Swedish Saffron Buns Recipe

Total Time: 50 minutes

Cuisine: European


  • raisins (black variety)
  • salt
  • eggs glazing
  • milk
  • saffron strands
  • flour (maida)
  • dry yeast
  • caster sugar
  • eggs
  • butter


  • To begin making the Swedish Saffron Buns Recipe, first warm 3/4 th cup milk and butter in a saucepan
  • Mix till the butter melts
  • Once done add a tablespoon of sugar and saffron to the milk and butter
  • Stir to dissolve the sugar and take it off the heat
  • Cool till it becomes lukewarm
  • Once the temperature of the milk is lukewarm add yeast to this mixture and leave it aside for 5 minutes
  • Into the bowl of a stand mixer add flour, salt and remaining sugar and whisk
  • Gradually add the liquid mixture to the flour and knead
  • Add the remaining milk to form a soft dough
  • You can a little more milk if required to get a soft supple dough
  • Knead for about 10 minutes or till the dough is smooth
  • Gather the mixed dough together and form a ball and place it in a greased container,covered with a wet kitchen towel
  • Keep it in a warm place till it doubles in size for about 1
  • 5 - 2 hours
  • Knock back the dough and divide into 11-12 portions
  • Line or grease two baking trays
  • Roll each portion into 7-8 inch long rope
  • Shape it into a ?S? and place on the baking trays, leaving some space between each bun
  • Press to seal the ends
  • Place a raisin at the centre of each curled end and press lightly
  • Cover loosely with a wet kitchen towel and keep it for another 30 minutes or till the rolls double in size
  • Meanwhile preheat the oven to 180 degree celcius
  • Whisk the egg white with a little water for brushing the Swedish Saffron Buns
  • Once the dough has doubled, lightly brush the rolls with the egg white
  • Bake for about 15-20 minutes or till golden
  • Once done remove the Swedish Saffron Buns from the oven and cool on a wire rack for five minutes
  • Serve Swedish Saffron Buns warm
  • Serve Swedish Saffron Buns with Apple Tea Latte Recipe or Maple Roasted Cinnamon Spiced Latte Recipe to warm you up on a cold evening