Homemade Chikoo Ice Cream Recipe

Total Time: 45 minutes

Cuisine: Indian


  • milk powder
  • chikoo (sapota fruit) (sapotas) chickoo
  • sugar
  • milk full fat milk
  • ( than )


  • To begin making Homemade Chikoo Ice Cream Recipe by cleaning and peeling the chikoos/sapotas and deseed them
  • Blend the fruit to make a smooth pulp with a hand blender or a mixer grinder and keep aside
  • Take a big steel vessel, add the cooking cream, milk powder, sugar & milk, using a hand whisk well till no lumps remain
  • Add the chikoo pulp and using a mixer, whisk it for 1 minute until all the ingredients are incorporated
  • Taste the chickoo milk to adjust the sweetness
  • Transfer the chickoo milk to an airtight container (I used the Tupperware Ice cream box), Let the ice cream set for 2 hours to look and feel like a soft serve ice cream, remove it again and churn it in mixer for 2-3 minutes, transfer it to the air tight box again
  • This procedure is done to avoid crystallization of the ice cream
  • Refreeze the ice-cream for 12-15 hrs
  • Remember the freezer should be at maximum temperature & the ice-cream is made in air tight box
  • Serve this Homemade Chikoo Ice Cream Recipe with a few pieces of chikoos
  • Serve it as a dessert after your scrumptious meal of Paneer Pav Bhaji on a weekday